Hi my name is Mike and I would like to take a few minutes to tell you about me and my projects. Or if you know what I’m about to say and just want to donate, Click on the Donation link at the top of the page and please give what you can. If you can’t donate at this time, please register to get more content for free.
Much of this website is under development. One of the reasons I am seeking donations for my project is to develop this website with all things pertinent to my projects.
Please note that there are areas on this website that are restricted to members or registered users. For instance, you can’t go to the Trike Books Chapters area unless you are a member. Also, you would not be allowed to go to the blog for the free content unless you register to this site. Thank you and please take a minute and register. I am adding information all the time. Enjoy! I’m truly sorry if registering is inconvenient, but it will be worth it, I promise.
This is a website filled with my building experience and info on weight-shift Trikes along with a look at some of what I have built with that information. I have said over the years that is sucks for those of us with usable knowledge to take it to the grave without passing it on. I decided a few years ago to take a stab at developing a plan to do a website and some books on how I have done some of my projects over the years. I have tons of information I have accumulated that needs to get out there in case it can help other people advance there projects journey to completion.
This will be “How I Did It” with techniques I have learned or come up with along the way. You are free to use any information on this website to add to your knowledge base. But remember, this website is for education purposes only. Any parts or structures you build using any information on these pages or in any of the books I have written, are at your own risk. You must do your own testing of any parts or structures you build to insure integrity for the intended use of any part you build. Never forget the famous statement that man is the victim of his own inventions. Don’t be a victim, test, test, test.
Books and Videos
This website will contain all available books and videos I produce. Use your eligibility code you received as a Gold Member to register here on this site to gain access to all the materials you are entitled to as a member of Mike’s Trikes. Click here to Donate to my project and get your personal access code.
New Project
My Latest project is simple and straight forward. I am going to build an ultralight weight shift trike and document the process by means of video, photos and cad drawings. I will also be putting together an e-book filled with detailed accounts of the process and exact cad drawings of every part. Showing everyone how I did each step in the process. You can help make this project a reality by going to my go fund me page and donate generously. Look here for more information on how you can help.
How Much Does It Cost to build a light trike

You can build an ultralight trike for as little as 5k, if you find a reasonably priced wing. I have sold wings in good condition for as little as 800 dollars, and I have bought virtually new wings for as little as 2k. Its a matter of knowing where to look for these deals. Building the basic trike frame and finding a good used motor for a reasonable price is the real key to saving money for a project like this. Also, being able to buy some of the more difficult part to make by hand, can really speed up the process. I have been designing, building and rebuilding aircraft for about 30 years. I have been teaching flying as a Certified Flight Instructor since the mid 1980’s. I am, as of this writing, one of only 2 certified Weight shift instructors in my state.
Your Donation or Book Purchase Will Pay For Itself Many Times Over
Spending one hundred dollars, one time, will give you access to my book, which contains cad drawings of every part, step by step how I did it, can save thousands of dollars on your project. This book will contain chapters on each step, cad drawings of each part, along with dimensions I used. Videos of every step embedded in every chapter.
It contains information on weight and balance, flight testing and safety. It contains sources of materials and parts. It is a treasure trove of information for the first time builder. You will get an e-book to download when the book is complete.
Your one hundred dollar, or more, donation will give you access as I write the chapters and make the videos. Your donation will support this website and buy materials for the project you donate to. I need to raise 7k for phase one and another 7k for phase two. Phase one will be building the trike frame and getting the website up and running with the Light Trike Book. Phase 2 will buy an engine, a wing, and help pay for testing.
When you donate, you also receive free membership to this website. All the information in the book is here, as well as videos taken during the ongoing building process. Also, there will be flight testing videos and pictures that are not in the book that can be viewed here.
This book will be made available for sale as a “How I Did It” book here on my website, Mike’s Trikes. Use the links on the menu bar to get this book and look at this latest project.
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